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The Broad Museum in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad Museum in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad Museum is a popular contemporary art museum located in Downtown Los Angeles.  It’s known for its infinity room.  Though I’m not necessarily a huge fan of history and traditional art, I still like to visit museums from time to time.

The Broad was one museum I enjoyed a lot.  The incredible exhibits attract a lot of people. Therefore it’s crucial to plan ahead of time. The museum is a lovely unique contemporary museum.  You should definitely visit if you have time to spare in Los Angeles.

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad Family

Eli Broad, an entrepreneur and philanthropist, had collected art since the early 1970s.  It had long been a dream of his and his wife’s to share their art collection with the general public.  The Broads worked with many artists and encouraged many to start their careers.  Fast forward to 2015, the Broad Museum opened in Downtown Los Angeles next to the famous Walt Disney Concert Hall.

The fairly new museum features two floors of gallery space in its 120,000 square foot space while showcasing some of the most important works of art.

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles


The Broad Museum Collection

There are exciting art pieces inside, but the architectural design of the building itself is a highlight among many.  The structure is beautiful and has a contemporary clean and sleek design.  Inside, you have high ceilings and pops of color coming from the art.

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

Exhibits at The Broad Museum

The other exhibits are on the first and third floors.  You can experience the collection inside the museum by downloading The Broad app for free to learn more about the pieces while using their free WiFi.

On the first floor, you will find rotating exhibits and the Infinity Room.  Cindy Sherman’s collection was there at the time of our visit, but you will now find The Creatures, a collection of figures including mythological ones.

On the third floor, you will find eccentric pieces that are pleasing to the eye.  Here are some of the great art pieces at The Broad.

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Famous Infinity Room

The popular and famous Infinity Room, “The Souls of Millions of Light Years Away,” exhibit is by Yayoi Kusama.  It’s a room with mirror-lined housing and endless LED dazzling lights.  It is by far the most popular exhibit at the Broad and requires a separately purchased ticket.

It’s so popular that it’s best to get free early reservations tickets to the Broad Museum ahead of time.  Reserve spots for the infinity room immediately upon arrival.   It is possible to put your name on a waiting list, but you could be out of luck on weekends. Only one person is allowed at a time, and you get 45 seconds! Make sure you have your camera ready beforehand! You don’t want to waste time.

New Infinity Room Coming Soon

On September 1st, The Broad released tickets to purchase at $25. Upon writing this, I was online (online) to buy tickets, and they’re sold out!  This Infinity Room will be available to visitors from October 21st to January 1st, 2018.

The Broad Museum in Downtown Los Angeles

Plan A Visit

With few things in this world being free, it’s always nice to find such a remarkable place. But, of course, this attracts many people aside from its fantastic exhibit, so we recommend planning ahead of time to avoid waiting times. It’s closed Monday, and closing times vary.  For times, check out Broad’s website.

We happened to be in downtown Los Angeles one weekend and decided just to show up, big mistake.  The line was quite long and would be over an hour wait.  Because we didn’t have that time available, we decided to buy tickets to skip the line instead, and we did not get access to the Infinity Room because it was late in the day.

So, with that said, reserve timed tickets online for their opening time and try to do so as they are released because reservations fill up quickly.  The early tickets will allow you to show up first to get a spot for their infinity room for that day.

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles

The Broad Museum in Downtown Los Angeles

During Your Visit

Parking can be hard to find throughout LA and can be expensive, including in Downtown Los Angeles.  If you’re hoping to spend less, be willing to walk.  Downtown is a fun area to explore, so if you find meter parking or cheap parking, take it.  Broad’s parking is $12.

Food and drinks are not allowed inside the museum, but there are sometimes vendors outside where you can purchase food and snacks.

You’ll want to bring your camera because photography is allowed but without flash.

The Broad in Downtown Los Angeles


The Broad Museum in Downtown Los Angeles

Spend Time Downtown

Downtown Los Angeles offers so much to do.  We’ve always enjoyed our time in this area, and we always head to the Grand Central Market for a variety of excellent and delicious food choices. Next door, you will find the Walt Disney Concert Hall building, and nearby you can check out some bars or head to The Last Bookstore.

Not too far, you also have the Downtown Los Angeles Art scene, which we highly recommend.  The whole downtown area is quite fun, so go check it out while you’re there!

The Broad Museum in Downtown Los Angeles


Comments (109)

I absolutely love museums, i jist went to the Pipilotti here in Houston and it was astonishing! So freaking beautiful, anywho this post is so awesome, very informative and the pictures are great.

Thanks! Hope you get to roam it one day. Haven’t heard of the Pipilotti one but perhaps I’ll see it one day.

This looks like such an awesome museum to visit. I will definitely be adding this to my visit soon lists. Love your photos! xo

It was definitely fun to explore. 🙂 Hope you get to see it.

I have never been to an art museum before but this one looks really cool. I like the overly large table set that you guys are under.

This is a good art museum to check out as a first time. 🙂 The table is one of my favorites.

How come we’ve never visited the Broad Museum? We’ve been countless times in LA and we never knew about this!!! Do you think that, considering that it attracts so many visitors, we should get there ahead to avoid the long likes for the tickets?

You’ll have to come once again to LA! But yes, arrive early to reserve a spot for the infinity mirror. Try to get the opening tickets online before going.

Wow this this such an interesting place. The picture of the Infinity Room was breath taking. I think it is well work the trip to the museum.

We were sad to not see it, but it seems amazing! The rest of the museum was great too though.

I love museums! I could spend so much time lost in a museum! I am not the biggest fan of modern art but I would sure love to visit the broad museum!

This one would be a fun one for you to explore. Hope you check it out one day!

What an interesting museum! I’m definitely stopping by the next time I’m in LA!!!

Yes! Check it out, you’ll like it.

As many times as I’ve been to LA (I have family there), I have yet to make it to the Broad Museum! It’s actually on top of my LA bucket list!

Yes! Make sure to stop next time and pre-book so you can get the infinity room!

Even from the outside, this is a gorgeous museum. I love modern and contemporary art and can tell from the pieces you’ve shown, that I could spend all day here. Would love to check out that infinity room too!

I think you would very much enjoy it! Hope you get around to seeing it when you’re in LA. 🙂

I had not heard of this museum until now. Will definitely check it out when I am in LA next.


Hope you get a chance to next time! You’ll enjoy it.

I have never been to LA and I’m dying to visit this museum! I’m a huge fan of Jeff Koon and Murakami so seeing you feature their art here just makes me want to visit LA so much more. And of course –
the infinity room looks super cool! Thank you for such a great post xx

I hope you get around to visiting when you’re in LA. It’s actually fun to explore this museum and it has great pieces. Reserve ahead so you can get those infinity room tickets!

The place looks awesome and shots are wonderful

Thanks! Definitely is. 🙂

Wow! What a fascinating place – I particularly like the blue balloon dog and the giant table and chairs, even better because it’s all for free! I don’t know if I could get a good photo in 45 seconds, but the infinity room looks like a total MUST!!

The blued balloon dog and the table were one of my favorites too. Haha, I agree! Must be hard to get a great shot in such a short time frame! Hope you get to be here one day.

This looks like a very fun museum. The photo of you beside the large table is really cool!

It was! The pieces were pleasing to the eye, especially the lollipops, balloon dog, and the table.

Wow, that giant table and chairs caught me by surprise! There’s a similar art display currently in Singapore too and people are loving it! I love the wired work showing America too!

I’ll have to look up the Singapore one. But definitely check this one out when you’re in LA. The table piece was one of my favorites.

Megan Jerrard

I’m as yo described yourself – not necessarily a huge fan of the traditional art scene, but do like to immerse myself in museums from time to time. So it’s great to hear that you enjoyed the Broad. Interesting to hear about the broad family – I love hearing that a private collector has opened their collection for public viewing. Some really interesting and eccentric (and colorful!) art pieces, and WOW on the architectural design of the building!

The photo of you standing underneath the table reminded me of a scene in Alice in Wonderland when she’s made so small. And the infinity room looks crazy – no wonder it’s so popular. Thanks for the tip on getting free early reservations tickets. Can’t wait!

Haha! Hadn’t thought about it as the Alice in Wonderland scene but looking back at it now I can see why I loved this piece so much. It was like being a tiny human in a big world. I’m so sad we didn’t see the infinity room but I’m going to make sure I see one some day! Thanks for your comment. Hope you check this museum out one day. 🙂

What an interesting museum that I want to visit! I especially like the giant dining table and the ‘dog balloon’. Pinned it!

I have not been to the Broad Museum, nor had I heard of it! Thx so much for introducing me to this amazing museum. I will definitely visit on my next visit to LA.

Cool looking museum I never heard of before. I need to remember this place for next time I vacation in CA!

I am not fan of contemporary art either but I saw on your pictures some cool artworks that I would like to check by myself. The infinity room looks amazing but if the queue is too long for visiting the bunch of flowers would make my day

Haha! So true. Even though I was bummed about not seeing the infinity room, I was happy with the colorful items and the big table at the museum. Hope you make it here one day.

Modern Art Museums are one of my favourite types of art galleries. The crazier the better! I would love to go to this museum. It looks right up my alley. Thanks for sharing the tips and the great photos.

I hope you get to check it out one day. It’s definitely one that is fun to roam. 🙂

This is so cool! I’ve only been to lacma in L.A.. never heard of the broad museum. Nice!

Hope you get to visit it next time. 🙂

Wow this museum looks so classy. I would love to visit this place someday. Thanks for giving us the view inside this amazing place..

It’s quite fun! Perhaps you’ll see it one day. 🙂

The architecture is so cool and the paintings are awe inspiring. I can very well understand why the infinity room is so crazily popular! It gives one such a surreal feeling!

I agree! All of the infinity rooms displays I’ve seen online look awesome.

Great Post! I’m not sure I would have known this art museum existed, but now I’d love to visit it. The exhibits look really fun and I love a good modern art museum.

Hopefully you get to visit the museum one day. You would enjoy it!

I like Modern Art, so I know I would love this museum. Thanks for the tip to buy the ticket in advance. I don’t think I will make it for the infinity room. I am sure I will see the pictures on Instagram. Thanks for sharing on #TheWeeklyPostcard.

If you don’t make it, you’ll still enjoy the rest of the museum. 🙂

Museum is such a great place to learn and relearn. And I totally love the art displayed inside this museum. Perfect for weekend getaway!

The art display is quite fun! Definitely agree it’s fun for a quick weekend visit.

I have wanted to visit this museum since it opened its doors. The thing is that the tickets are gone for the next two months or so. I am bad waiting that long and bed you I am going to forget about mt reservation or something like that. Anyway, I hope I can go soon. Your pictures are great! #WeekendWandelust

Hate waiting for tickets too. Good think you can show up for this one but will not get in quick nor see the infinity room most likely. That’s how I was waiting on the Museum of Ice Cream! Hope you get to visit soon. 🙂

Abigail Sinsona

Wow this is one spectacular museum. I don’t usually pick museums as the first attractions to visit when I go to a place. But the beautiful facade and unique architecture alone has me curious. Plus, the art works featured inside are so interesting!

The art inside are definitely fun pieces, so if you have extra time in the city it’s worth a stop. 🙂

I have never been to LA before. But I am going for the first time in December and I am so exciting. I would put this on my list of places to go. I love to see artist and sculptures like this one.

That’s awesome! You’re going to enjoy the city a lot. Check out downtown and stop by the museum. The area is definitely worth a stop.

Wow, this museum looks really interesting. That big table with chairs is so fun, would love to see it!

The table is one of best displays! 🙂

I saw your pic on IG and was hopping you’d link this post up!! This looks like so much fun! Gonna have to do it the next time I’m home!! Thanks for linking up with #TheWeeklyPostcard!

Glad I did! It’s definitely a fun one, so try to go when you are back. Definitely get the advance reservations though!

Wow.. I had heard of broad museum. This looks like such a cool place to explore. Loved the architecture of the building too. Would love to visit this someday. Thanks for sharing.

The building itself is one of my favorites, but the whole museum was nice to enjoy. Hope you see it one day.

this look so cool! i love modern art – there’s much to learn and interpret from the piece!

I’m actually going to be in LA next weekend and have been looking for things to do! I’ve never visited the Broad museum and think I might need to pay it a visit! Thanks for the heads-up about the Infinity Room. I can see why it is so popular!

Awesome! You should check out the downtown area, so much to do. Hope you have fun and try to get the infinity room. 🙂

Looks like an eclectic collection of modern art. This looks like it would be a great place to spend a few hours while in LA. This art gallery would even interest our kids.

The whole family would enjoy it! It’s definitely a fun place. 🙂

I’ve been living in Los Angeles area for 30 years and never visited this museum. You made me curious about it. I’m going to make it a point to see it one of these days. Thanks for sharing this post on the #TheWeeklyPostcard

Time to make a visit! I think you’ll enjoy it. 🙂

Great guide to a really neat museum! Love the table and chairs and the Michael Jackson exhibit. Will put this on my list to do next time in LA!

It’s definitely neat. Hope you’re able to stop to see it.

I really like modern art so would be totally up for this! There was a Yayoi Kusuma exhibition in my country recently too but never got around to going, which I regret now 🙁 Thanks for sharing on #TheWeeklyPostcard!

Ahh too bad you missed it. Her work is so beautiful! Hope you check out The Broad one day.

I never even heard about this museum but its looks pretty funky and something I would check out. Usually I am not a fan of modern art etc but this does look appealing. ?

Definitely is. You would enjoy it. 🙂

Just wow! The museum seems astonishing. Being a history lover, I love exploring museums. Broad museum looks bucket list worthy. I have explored museums in NYC and Washington DC but couldn’t visit LA during our trip to States last autumn. Bookmarked for our next trip!

Hopefully you make it to LA next time. New York has so many, awesome you got to enjoy a few. 🙂

Jessica Barnett

oh my! I didnt know this place existed.. I so need to add this to my bucket list!

Yes, add it. You’ll enjoy it.

This place is one of a kind and wonderful. Lucky enough to share this place to everyone, for us to be aware of this place to visit. A modern museum seems to be really interesting

It was definitely fun! Perhaps you find yourself there one day to enjoy it too.

I’m so embarrassed. I live in LA and I’ve never been. Your post makes me really want to go though especially for the Infinity Room, that looks amazing!

Wow! Such an interesting collection of exhibits. The giant furniture to make you feel like you’ve shrunk and of course, the Infinity Room are amazing. The dent in the wall outside is so creative!

The table piece was one of our favorites. We felt so small in comparison. 🙂 Perhaps you’ll find yourself here one day!

I am traveling to LA next month and I have so many things in my bucket list for doing. but after reading your article imma put this place on top!

Oh good! Glad it helped you get an idea of what to visit. If you go, check out the downtown area. There’s lots to do.

Woow1 what an interesting museum. Unlike many museums dedicated to history, the broad museum has all it takes to leave the visitors in wonder. The infinity room looks magnificent and so does the room with huge furniture. I would love to get lost in the room of mirrors and never return ? No doubt, it could easily be my the Alice in Wonderland experience!

It’s definitely a fun place you’d enjoy!

I have never heard of the Broad Museum before, but my daughter is moving a little north of LA, so I’m sure I’ll go. I do love a good art and history museum.

Hopefully you ladies get to visit! 🙂

That is one cool museum! I haven’t been to LA in a few years so had never heard of it. I would really enjoy that sort of art, especially the shiny pieces and that huge table. Hilarious and definitely a great Instagram opportunity.

The shiny pieces were my favorite. I think you would enjoy them!

This seems like a museum i would like to visit. I love looking round art museums and finding out what ideas flow from the minds of artists. Added this to my list for Next time in LA

It’s always nice to see how unique different artists are. Hope you get around to checking this one out.

We are passionate about museums, be it art, natural history, or contemporary art. Museums are windows to an amazing world, a peep into the past, into the minds of artistic and scientific geniuses. The Broad museum looks unique with its contemporary and futuristic exhibits. Would love to visit the place someday.

That’s awesome you visit them to learn more. I have a hard time focusing on history museums but there are definitely some that keep my interest. And then art ones like these are quite fun. 🙂 Hope you visit one day.

This is such a unique museum. I have visited many museums but never visited one with collections like these. And I had even never heard of it. When I go to Los Angeles, I am going to head here for sure.

It’s definitely a fun place to check out. Hope you make it.

seems like quite a quirky and contemporary museum. It is something that my daughter would definitely enjoy. I like the infinity room in particular. Loved your pics

Your daughter would love it probably. Especially the shiny art. And thanks 🙂

Woah, there’s so much beauty in the works of art there! Lucky you get to see it! ?

I agree! All the art was quite nice. 🙂

A truly exquisite exhibit! You captured it nicely here! Did you visit any other museums while in LA?

It’s definitely a fun one. We visited a few, LACMA is another fun one.

We are not big museum fans but for sure we will enjoy this one. The collection looks amazing; quirky and exceptional. The infinity room looks great too. Going to add this to my bucket list

It’s a neat place to explore. Hope you visit one day.

Museums are so interesting. At times I get so engrossed in museums that I lose track of time. I didn’t know downtown Los Angeles has such a fab museum. It is great to know that this one has a bar and a book store too. Thanks for the useful tips you shared.

Yes, it’s located in a fun area with all those things. So definitely worth a stop.

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