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Exploring Downtown LA Street Art

downtown LA street art

The ever-changing downtown LA street art scene is one of my favorite places to explore in the city.  It’s where my love for street art began.  The art in this city is hip, quirky, and beautiful.

Much of the art is inspirational and interesting.  There are murals, small art pieces, graffiti art, and more.

With camera in hand, we set out to find the most famous art pieces. But, instead, we found many surprises along our way as we ran into other cool art.

downtown LA street art
One of my favorite pieces! It’s by Christina Angelina & Fanna Kapan. 4th st & Merrick. Find their artwork at @starfightera and @fanakapan

The Vibe at Dowtown LA Steet Art

The Downtown LA street art scene is a thriving one.  People are drawn to this area because it’s a rich experience and fun to walk around.  We could have spent much more time here finding great art, but you need plenty of time to truly enjoy it.

Some of the trendy pieces will usually have photographers and fashion bloggers practicing their photo sessions.

downtown LA street art
Art Share L.A. is a two-story warehouse creative center. 801 E 4th Pl

Although it’s an area populated by homeless residents, it also has a surrounding area under development.  Just north of the LA arts district, you find Little Tokyo.  To the west side, you see the Theater District.  They are also fun places to explore.

Though the downtown LA street art scene is trendy, it used to be an industrial area with warehouses and factories.  However, local activists designated the area as the “Arts District” in the ’90s.  Since then, it has slowly become a place where hipsters hang out. There are also theaters, restaurants, and galleries nearby.

downtown LA street art
Tristan Eaton’s mural, “I was a Botox Junkie,” was painted in 2013 at 702 Traction Ave. LA.

It has also become a place where artists from LA create pieces that are modern and abstract.  Some pieces are long-term, while other pieces come and go.  It’s ever-changing, and you find new art each time you visit. Some pieces are beautiful, and I wouldn’t want them to go.  However, the beauty of the Art District is that it gives opportunities to new aspiring artists to display their work.

downtown LA street art

Downtown LA Street Art

Here are some of my favorite finds!

downtown LA street art
By Vyal One
downtown LA street art
700 E 3rd St.

“Every piece of ivory comes from a dead elephant.”  This is the message that Damon Martin portrays in his elephant mural. The International Fund for Animal Welfare, which helps rescue and protect animals worldwide, funded this piece. It was one of my favorites.

downtown LA street art

“Cream of the Crop” was painted by German twin brothers Raoul and David Perre.  The cartoon on the left is by Dabs & Myla, an Australian couple.

downtown LA street art

downtown LA street art

Tristan Eaton is an LA-based artist.  This piece above is called “Piece by Piece.  He painted this mural at the Container Yard.  The mural addresses the conflicts and debate around gun violence and control in the U.S.  You can see more on Instagram.

downtown LA street art
at The Container Yard- 800 E 4th St.

Ricardo Gonzalez sprays his words across different places.  You can check out his Instagram at itsaliving.

downtown LA street art

downtown LA street art
A piece by WRDSMTH at Santa Fe & 3rd

Collette Miller first started placing these angel wings across LA, but now she has them worldwide.  The wings represent peace, love, kindness, compassion, and hope. You can find her art across the city. Check out more of her art here.

downtown LA street art
Santa Fe & 3rd

Go on Instagram and hashtag #lovewall or #bleedinghearts to see art pieces by artist and muralist James Goldcrown.  His work has become a popular backdrop for social media influencers.  The artwork consists of colorful heart murals, hence the perfect backdrop for fashionistas.  Take a look at his work.

downtown LA street art
801 E 4th Pl
downtown LA Street art
You can find his art scattered through several places on sidewalks.

downtown LA street art

downtown LA street art

One of my favorite pieces is by WRDSMTH.  His work of art includes inspirational pieces that are spray-painted and stenciled, usually next to a typewriter.  You can see more of his work of inspiring and motivational messages on his Instagram.

downtown LA street art
Here is an art piece on women’s rights.

Location of downtown LA Street Art:

The downtown LA street art is near the LA bridge.  Mainly sitting on a three-block area, you can find it on E. 3rd Street.  It is easily accessible by getting off 4th St. from the 110 Freeway.  You can park near 4th and Merrick, where you will find the mural of two lovers.  If you want to take a walking tour of art in LA, you can do so through here or here.

downtown LA Street art
Here is a mural of Chinese artist and activist Ai Wei Wei. Also by Damon Martin, down the block from the elephant mural.

downtown LA Street art

Food and Drinks

One popular spot to stop at when you’re thirsty is the Arts District Brewing Co.  It’s an excellent place for beer, fun games, and a great atmosphere.  The brewing restaurant has four house brews to enjoy.  And just nearby, you can find great food and deserts at Little Tokyo.  It’s another great area to explore!

downtown LA Street art

Are you looking for other things to do in LA? Then, check out these places too.

Downtown LA Street Art

LA Street Art

Comments (54)

There is some amazing street artists getting around. We live near Melbourne one of the premier street art cities of the world. I must say we were very impressed with Reykjaviks street art when we visited earlier this year

It would be great to see the art in Melbourne too! It’s always so interesting to see street art.

Wow, there is a TON of street art in L.A.! How long were you out there exploring?? There is some street art here in Cincinnati, but not nearly as much- and unfortunately most are in really sketchy and unsafe areas it seems. I especially love the elephant mural and the one where you two are kissing and imitating the drawing ?

There is! And this is only downtown. The whole city has a lot of art everywhere that I still need to explore. We explored for about two hours and left before it got too dark, for safety also. Thanks, those are some of our favorites too.

Wow the street art in LA looks incredible! Exploring a city’s street art is one of our favourite things to do!

Isn’t it fun!? It’s also a great way to know the city better.

I’m in love with this! I love street art and clearly need to get to LA! I have a chat on Twitter that your pics would be great for- join me 8/28 7 PM EDT for #StreetArtChat!

Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it! I tried to join the chat but was not able to make it. Thanks for inviting.

We love to go hunting for street art and yet finding good guides can be tricky! I loved this one, we’ll save it for our next trip to LA! Thank you very much!

Awesome! I’m glad it was helpful to you. Street art is definitely fun!

Carol Colborn

Didn’t know about this street art scene in LA. There’s a lot!

Definitely! It’s a fun scene too!

I am a huge fan of Street Art and I can see that in LA you have great picks! I am happy when I see new cool graffiti but it is sad to see that some good ones disappear from time to time

So many great picks out here. Hope you get to check it out soon!

Street art is such a fantastic avenue for so many talented artists. I always find so much creativity and originality in wall murals. And they just transform sad, neglected areas so dramatically. Some of these are especially wonderful.

I agree with you so much! I definitely want to check out more art across different cities.

Those are some really great photos of some really great art! I like that you added the website or Instagram links where you could. Now I have something else to look forward to next time I’m in LA.

Thanks! I thought it would be useful since I like checking out people’s work. Hope you get to enjoy the LA art soon. 🙂

Wow I’m loving all this wall art!! I’ve been wanting to do a walk like this in my own City, Washington DC!! Now I really wanna go!

Right?! You should do it! It’s a great way to enjoy a day out.

I love discovering street art when traveling to a new city, but these ones… breathtaking! I’d love to go there ❤

Glad you enjoyed them. Hope you get to check them out one day.

Lovely post! especially the part were you guys trying to immitate the art on the wall by kissing each other. LA has a pretty streets and graffitis too. thank you for sharing this post 🙂

Haha! Thanks! We tried to recreate it as best we could. Hope you get to check it out one day.

You have some amazing shots of the street art in LA! I was just in LA i wish I had read this post sooner!

Ah! You missed it. 🙁 Hopefully you can check it out next time. Thanks. 🙂

I loved all of those pieces! I didn’t realize the Collette Miller wings were around the world – I’ve posed with one in Hawaii! Thanks for sharing and that one of you two kissing is super cute ?

Didn’t know there was one in Hawaii. Would love to see them in different cities. And thank you 🙂

Wow really cool with some talented artists! I love the one with the wings, I always see it on instagram!

Love that one too! That’s where I first saw it too, on Instagram.

As an LA girl I love this post and I love the LA art scene. So awesome you decided to feature all of the talent and beauty of street art.

It’s the best right!? Love that scene too.

What a beautiful place! I love street art and always look for it in a city. I’ve recently wrote about great place in London with street art – Brick Lane, have a look when you’re around ?

Awesome! I’ll have to check it out. Hoping to go to London sometime next summer.

Wow! Very beautiful artwork – so colourful, creative and expressive! Super talented artists! I would love to venture into the streets of Downtown LA to get a glimpse of these wonderful pieces of art. Love all of them!! ?

I hope you get to see it someday. It’s a fun area. 🙂

So cool! When I was in LA I didn’t like it so much, but unfortunately I didn’t know there are such arty streets! I love them!

LA can be a love hate situation haha! 🙂

I love your angel wings pictures! Its so much captured on road at LA ! very interesting guide

Thanks! The wings are one of my favorite pieces. 🙂

What a comprehensive guide to LA’s street art scene. Nice! I haven’t been in a few years and pretty sure these are all fairly new. I loved the kissing wall, how romantic and sweet. We have a few of the angel wings in Florida. Fabulous selection. I enjoyed your post a lot.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed. Hopefully you get to enjoy them in person one day and hopefully I get to see the ones in Florida.

An amazing post! I love the way street art is gaining ground all over the world. In New Delhi, and other Indian metropolitan cities one can find absolutely fabulous street art on the walls. Thus i love gazing and reading through your post. I love the kissing one the most cos you guys didn’t lose a single chance to show your love and what makes you a special couple!

I agree! I see it more each day and it’s nice to see since it’s a creative outlet for so many people. Haha! We almost didn’t take a picture there. Glad we did. Thanks.

Street art is really fascinating. The world over there is such a wide range of this art form that it is really mind boggling. The LA street art is really so vibrant and colourful, a reflection of the culture and times of the place.

It definitely is! It’s quite fun to try to understand the meaning behind each one. But when I’m really intrigued, I do a quick Google search or check the artist’s pages. Hope you get to see it one day if you haven’t already.

This is some amazing and incredible street art! I love finding places like this, it is so great to have a neighbourhood full of beautiful art work!

It’s pretty awesome. Glad you enjoyed it. Hope you get to check it out one day.

My comment is being blocked too! It thought I was a bot. Here’s what I said so I don’t forget: I love how murals and street art have melded in the USA. Having lived in Philly where big big murals take over city walls throughout the entire city, and now Brooklyn where have some of the same artists as LA, I’m just always so pleased to see big displays of art activism! I love that you gave us a background on some of the artists!! We often just see the art as a background but never hear about the artists

Glad you got through Alicia. I hope to see the art in both Philly and Brooklyn one day. Both seem amazing. I agree though, it’s nice to see activism playing a part in the central message of the art. Hope you see the LA scene one day.

I totally love street art and try and find street art when I visit different countries, I have seen some fabulous pieces in London, Thailand, Singapore, Mexico, Bali and USA. Your photos just make me way to fly to LA again and see all this, it looks stunning. I have not to been to LA in over 13 years and seeing your post has motivated me to plan and visit soon, I have saved this incredible post.

That’s awesome. Art is definitely fun to explore. Looks like it’s time for you to book a trip to LA! Hopefully you find yourself here enjoying the art and everything else LA has to offer.

Wow those are beautiful! Some really detailed graffits. Should have been so fun to explore these.

Definitely fun! One of my favorite areas in the city.

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