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A Guide to 12 Beaches in L.A.

beaches in la

A Guide to 12 Beaches in L.A.

The Los Angeles area has many incredible beaches to visit.  During the time I lived there, I made it a point to visit as many as I could.  Although I didn’t always jump in for a swim, I’d go have picnics there with my family.

Most of them are great, but I did end up having some favorite ones. Some of my favorites include El Matador State Beach because of its natural beauty, Venice Beach for entertainment, and Huntington Beach for relaxation and family visits.

To help you decide which beach best suits your mood,  here is a guide to which beaches in L.A to visit.

beaches in l.a

A Guide to 12 Beaches in L.A.

El Matador Beach

El Matador Beach

This beach is a photographer’s heaven and the perfect location for a romantic getaway.  It has stunning sunsets and beautiful boulders.  I’m sure you will fall in love with the peaceful setting.  This beach isn’t crowded, but it picks up around sunset when photographers arrive.  This secluded beach has lovely waves and a rocky shore with hidden coves spread throughout the coast.  It’s the perfect beach to explore and for a romantic sunset picnic.

Best for: photography, seclusion, romantic dates

Price: $8 but free along the Pacific Coast Highway

Other informationIt has a steep gravelly path down

Food: None.  It’s secluded, so you won’t find restaurants.  However, you can eat in Malibu.

Santa Monica Beach

Santa Monica Beach

Santa Monica is the most popular beaches in L.A. for tourists because it has a fun boardwalk with rides for kids and adults.  It also has many restaurant choices, live entertainment by aspiring artists, and rental bikes and skates.   This beach gets busy but fun.

Best for: entertainment, families, bike rentals

Parking: Bring cash! Prices can vary anywhere from $15-30. Be sure to check for parking expiration signs to avoid any tickets, as some parking spots expire after sunset.

Food: Various restaurants and fast food options are located on the boardwalk and across the main street.

Venice Beach

Venice Beach beaches in l.a

Venice Beach is the perfect place to people-watch.  You can find unique art vendors, small shops, live music by aspiring artists, entertainment by dancers, people who do cool tricks, and much more.  There are also skateboarders doing tricks at the skateboard park near the beach.

You can also watch bodybuilders making muscles at Muscle Beach (part of Venice Beach), and you can rent bicycles to ride from Venice Beach to Santa Monica Beach.  Venice Beach is also popular for surfing if that’s something you’re interested in.

Best For: Entertainment, shopping, young couples, surfers, those who hate sand

Parking:  Prices can vary anywhere from $15-30. Be sure to check for parking expiration signs as some expire after sunset, or you get a ticket. 

Food: Many small restaurants are an option on the boardwalk.

Huntington Beach

Huntington Beach

Huntington Beach has it all.  It’s perfect for swimming, RV camping, sunset watching, bike rentals, volleyball, and more.  Many families bring their canopies and grills because it’s the ideal place to picnic with the family.

Huntington Beach is also one of the few beaches that allow bonfires.  Therefore, it’s perfect for friends and family gatherings.  This is one of my favorite beaches for that reason.

Best for: families, barbecues, bonfires, volleyball, RV camping, big groups

Parking:  $15, or you can park by a 2-hour meter and refill as needed. 

Food: It’s best to bring a picnic or grill your own food. There are many great restaurant options along the PCH. 

Seal Beach

Seal Beach beaches in l.a

Seal Beach has a more relaxed atmosphere.  It’s located in the city of Seal Beach itself.  It sits between Long Beach and Huntington Beach in Orange County.  With a lovely stretch of sand, Seal Beach is an excellent location for surfers and sunbathers.

Eisenhower Park is close by and families can enjoy hanging out.  At the pier, you can spot seals and sometimes even dolphins. I found Seal Beach the perfect place to enjoy the restaurants found on Main Street.

Best for: seal spotting, eating

Parking: varies, free 2hr parking on Main Street, metered parking on the side streets, two parking lots next to the beach, a parking lot on 1st Street

Food: Various restaurants located on Main Street

Newport Beach


beaches in l.a

Newport Beach is one we love going back to because of the many boat adventures we find here.  You will find this harbor-front beach a perfect place to go on a sunset cruise, a great spot to stand-up paddleboard, and for picturesque views of the elegant homes and yachts.  Newport Beach is also great for kayaking, spotting seals, volleyball, and picnics.

Best for: water adventures (boat rides, cruises, paddle boarding, kayaking), dates

Parking: Varies.  Metered parking available ($4 for 2 hours) as well as 24-hour parking lots, Balboa Pier

Food: Restaurants located nearby.

Laguna Beach

Laguna Beach beaches in l.a

This beautiful sandy beach is excellent for family fun.  It has a park with basketball courts, a playground for children, a boardwalk, volleyball courts, and lifeguards on duty.  If you visit, you’ll find tide pools and a great place to swim. Just be careful with the rip currents that form here.  If you prefer shopping and eating, Laguna Beach has many unique boutiques and restaurants in the city.

Best for: families, groups of friends

Parking: Metered parking along the Pacific Coast Highway and side streets.

Food: Restaurants sit nearby along the Pacific Coast Highway and its side streets.

Zuma Beach

Zuma Beach

As part of the Malibu beaches, Zuma Beach is a popular destination for beach-goers who enjoy a nice family picnic and those who like to catch waves.  It has enough space for setting up your canopy because it has a long stretch of sand.  In addition, this beach has restrooms, showers, and lifeguards on duty.

Best for: surfers, families, and large groups

Food: Concession stands, or in Malibu City

Parking: Anywhere from $3 to $12 or free along the Pacific Coast Highway.

Leo Carrillo State Beach

Leo Carrillo Beach

Leo Carrillo State Beach is in Malibu.  It has a mountainous backdrop and amazing sunset views. This beach has picnic areas, campsites, and facilities for RVs. In addition, you’ll find that this is the perfect place for coastal caves and tide pools. Because of its location 28 miles north of Santa Monica, the beach is secluded, making it a great getaway from the crowds.  This is a rare beach where dogs are allowed to roam on a leash.

Best for: couples, seclusion, camping, dog owners

Parking: $12 but free along the Pacific Coast Highway

Food: Take a picnic or dine in Malibu.

Crystal Cove Beach

beaches in la

Crystal Cove Beach has natural beauty to enjoy.  This beach is excellent for hiking because of paved pathways with incredible viewpoints along the mountain. I enjoyed Crystal Cove because of the rocky points and tide pools.  If you are a nature lover, this beach is a great choice.  It borders Laguna Beach and is part of the Newport Coast.

Best for: nature lovers, hiking, camping

Parking: $15 

Food: There are no restaurants at the beach, but a short drive away, you can find some.

Long Beach

Long Beach beaches in l.a

Long Beach has a relaxed atmosphere.  It has a central location and is next to popular destinations. This beach is great for families who want to enjoy a nice day sitting beachside or for those who enjoy kite-boarding.

Along the beach, there is a paved pathway that bicyclists and skaters can enjoy.  Nearby, in the city, you will find the Aquarium of the Pacific, the Queen Mary, restaurants, museums, and a great cultural scene.

Best for: families, nearby entertainment, bike riding

Parking: Parking meters $2 per hour (2hr maximum parking meters)

Food: Restaurants are nearby.

Lechuza Beach:

Lechuza Beach beaches in l.a

Lechuza Beach is another great beach located in Malibu.  It’s also great for those seeking seclusion. This beach is not well-known because it’s challenging to find and is located in a residential area.

When you arrive, you go through a tree-covered corridor and flight of stairs down to the beach.  This beach has a few large rocks and a beautiful plant life backdrop with lovely homes located at the entrance.  It’s great for nature lovers. On any given day, you may even have this beach all to yourself.

Best for: couples, photography, solo getaways, seclusion

Parking: Free parking along Broad Beach Road. 

Food: None. This is a residential area. You can find eateries in Malibu.

Other information: The entrance is located on Broad Beach Road across Bunnie Lane but do not block any driveways.  There will be a corridor covered in trees that leads to stairs and finally to the beach.

Have you visited any of these beaches in L.A?  Which ones you’d like to see? Check out other places to see in Los Angeles.

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A Guide to 12 Beaches in L.A.

beaches in L.A.

Comments (12)

I live at the beach in Santa Monica so I’m pretty partial to that one, but I feel so fortunate to have so many options so close. Venice Beach is always a great place to people watch!

Isn’t it the best to have different options?! Those are two of our favorites along with Huntington when we want to be around people. Keep enjoying SM.

Zuma, Lechuza and Crystal Cove sound awesome, I’ve been meaning to make a trip to California to surf and sight see but feel that I would need so much time. Huntington, Laguna, Newport and Santa Monica are some of the beaches I wanted to check out but if you’ve added 3 more spots that I will likely check out before my original list. Thank you so much!!

There’s so many options to choose from around here. Hope you get to try a few new ones.

Nice to discover some new beaches. I lived in Long Beach once and rented electric boats to cruise through the Naples canals, but it’s not technically in Los Angeles.

That sounds like fun. Haven’t seen they have electric boats. True, we always clump places in the city as “LA” since all of it takes the same effort to get to. ?

They’re all so pretty! But I think I’ll take the ones with lots of people watching opportunities.

Those are always the most fun!

I was just in LA, could’ve used this guide! We stayed in Santa Monica for a few days, we loved the vibe!

Glad you got to enjoy Santa Barbara. I think it’s a must when visiting. Then you can try different beaches when you’re back.

Great post ! Los Angeles definitely is a city that caught my heart 🙂

I’ve only visited 4 out of the 12 beaches you mentioned, also loved Manhattan Beach.

Happy new year.

Kenza from

Glad you’ve enjoyed LA. Hopefully you get to visit a few more of the beaches soon.

Happy New Year to you also!

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